

Obama's Budget - $28.4 Billion For Energy

US President Barack Obama's 2011 Budget will allow USD $28.4 billion for the Department of Energy to support scientific innovation, develop clean and secure energy technologies, maintain national security, and reduce environmental risk.
The U.S. has fallen behind in clean-tech in recent years, particularly in manufacturing, with China emerging as the clean energy super power. In his recent State of the Union speech, President Obama said "I do not accept a future where the jobs and industries of tomorrow take root beyond our borders - and I know you don't either".
Spending highlights relating to renewable energy and energy efficiency include:


- $500 million in credit subsidy to support loan guarantees for innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
- $144 million for research, development and demonstration projects relating to the power grid, including smart-grid technologies.
- Close to $2.4 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs including $302 million for solar energy.
- $1.8 billion for basic energy sciences to discover novel ways to produce, store, and use energy.
- $300 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy to accelerate "game-changing" energy technologies in need of rapid and flexible experimentation or engineering.
As part of developing the budget, high-priority performance goals were identified that the Department of Energy will aim accomplish. These include:
- Double renewable energy generating capacity (excluding conventional hydropower) by 2012.
- Cost-effective energy retrofits of a total of 1 million housing units through 2011.
- Assist in the development and deployment of advanced battery manufacturing capacity to support 500,000 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles a year by 2015.
Also announced in the Budget was a phase-out of funding for inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to deal with the threat of climate chang






看完Obama的能源預算後,讓人想到這幾年相當火紅的太陽能產業。原先德國、日本、西班牙這三個國家總共佔全球太陽能超過七成的市佔率(德國47.1%,日本17.9%,西班牙6.6%),不過由於這次的金融海嘯,歐洲地區受災慘重,所以西班牙及德國紛紛調降對太陽能的補助,但是其它地區卻逆勢推出各式補貼,例如:1)台灣的再生能源法中對太陽能的補助 2)日本重啟太陽能補助 3)中國的”金太陽計畫” 4)美國的” 阿波羅計畫”5)印度的”國家太陽能計劃” 等等。

各國目前普遍將目標訂在2030年,希望在這之前能讓太陽能的發電成本和現行的發電成本相同或是更低,同時逹到普及。想像一下透過智能電網的方式,如果家中有裝太陽能發電系統的話,不但家裡的用電不用錢,還可以將用不完的電賣回給台電賺錢;  電動車除了插座充電,車殼本身也能不斷吸收太陽能自行充電;  各電動車充電站會以大型太陽能板來發電;  也可應用於玻璃窗或建築物外牆吸收太陽能進行發電,這些都已經如火如荼在進行當中。






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